HNN Breaking News

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 10. May 2006 - 19:36:24hrs Author HNN News Reporter Comments: 0

Your holoscreen image cuts, interrupting the regularly scheduled program, to reveal a grim Anacia Chalcedon sitting in front of the usual Hapan backdrop. You notice the missing HNN intro and music right away, and are almost innerved by the silence.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Anacia Chalcedon for the Hapan News Network, bringing you some breaking news.

At 20:23 last night, two freighters were involved in a collision just out of orbit of the Rifle World of Lorell. According to information gathered from the Golan II Station Star Home, the Modular Conveyor Waning Moon, a Nimbanese food transport, released a distress call while attempting to enter orbit.

Our new news correspondant, Private Koroth Blackthorn, is on voice com with the details. Thank you for joining us, Private. Can you tell us what happened?"

You hear a slight static and silence for a moment before Private Blackthorn's voice is clearly heard. The small window display besides the image of Anacia Chalcedon begins to play a videoclip of the collision while the Private conveys the details of the accident.

"Thank you, Anacia. The ship's sublight engines would not slow, forcing it to abandon its entry, and gain some distance from the planet. Although they succeeded in preventing a potential disaster above the planet, and despite efforts to maneuver away from other craft to avoid any incident, they crashed head first into a Bulk Freighter heading out on its flight plan out of the system.

The Bulk Freighter Harp's Tune suffered severe damage to it's port cargo hold, forcing it to cut all power to its engines and stay adrift. The Waning Moon was not quite as fortunate compared. Having lost both its starboard cargo pods, and sheering off its directional sensors, it was left flying blind towards Icco, Lorell's Sanctuary Moon.

Fortunately for all those involved, rescue teams were already en route from the distress call, and were soon able to tractor the Waning Moon, stopping it, and preventing the loss of the freighter to the moon's gravitational pull. Also fortunate is the well-being of both ships crews, as all aboard are alive. One crewman aboard the Harp's Tune will require a bacta tank treatment, however doctors have labelled his vital signs as stable.

Trilco Freight, the owner of the Waning Moon, has been unavailable for comment."

Anacia nods grimly, folding her hands on her desk before speaking.

"Many thanks for that report, Private Blackthorn, and welcome to the team."

The HNN theme song fades in as Anacia concludes the news brief.

"That's all we have for now. Join us a 11 for the rest of the day's news headlines. Honor, Pride, and Glory."

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