RHA Marine Corps Joins Operations

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 18. November 2005 - 12:50:16hrs Author HNN News Reporter Comments: 0

The Royal Hapan Army's Marine Corps formally began major operations today, with the first orders being issued by Senior Corps Commander, Brigadier Vang Tyrridon, RHA. The orders, as directed by his Majesty, were to begin assisting in the efforts to relocate all of the Hapes Consortium's directed construction staff to a centralized location for briefing and dispatch.

In a press release issued by his office following the reception of orders, Brigadier Tyrridon stated his "high expectations for the men and women under [his] command" and that he is "certain they will perform up to the considerable standards expected of officers of his Majesty's service."

The brigadier was not available for further comment.

The Royal Hapan Army's Office for Public Relations issued a similar notice following the Marine Corps' announcement, marking that in addition to being the first formal operations for the Marine Corps, the orders were also the first operational orders issued since the reconstitution of the Royal Hapan Army under the direct supervision of his Royal Majesty, King Jessy James I.

Please stay tuned for further updates as they become available. Thank you for choosing HNN and good night.

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