Building the Future

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 22. May 2005 - 03:14:28hrs Author HNN News Reporter Comments: 0

The twenty second Hapan "Building the Future" convention was held this past week on the planet Lorell. The convention, which organizers are pleased to have established as an annual event, was a sort of inventors' fair aimed at showcasing the latest in technological advances and fresh ideas. Attracting talent from all around the galaxy, the convention provided a chance for inventors and research & design experts to get together and share ideas, as well as for investors and corporate executives to get a glimpse of where the next great business success might lie.

"It was great to see so many bright and talented minds gathered in one place," said committee member Eilii Yugilli, Chairman of the event, "People have always associated the Hapes Consortium with military and cultural achievements, but it's the universities and research facilities that have really helped the Consortium shine. Developments like the one of the Hapan Battle Dragon warship have drawn attention to the men, women, and genderless beings of the Hapan R&D programs in the past, and revitalized interest in the research opportunities available here."

Chairman Yugilli went on to say, "In the early days, Hapes had to rely on its own universities to produce the first-class talent it needed for scientific research. But with Lorell opening its doors to the rest of the galaxy over the past several years, we've been able to attract talent from all over, and conventions like this are one way of showcasing what Hapes has to offer. We've already had several young candidates who have liked what they've seen, and expressed an interest in joining the thriving R&D division here in the Consortium."

Among the intriguing devices to make an appearance at the convention were a collapsable, industrial-strength storage container that folds up to the size of a datachip when not in use and an ingenious new method of harvesting Mecturian Beta-Fronds without damaging the rest of the plant. One of the most popular exhibits was a newly created, viscous, light-refracting polymer that has no known use as of yet, but that was encouraging wild speculation by many of the imaginative minds present at the convention.

With this year's convention widely regarded as a resounding success, committee organizers are already beginning to plan next year's event as well. In the words of Chairman Yugilli, "This is a valuable opportunity for researchers and scientists throughout the galaxy, and we hope that it continues as a grand tradition that truly does help to Build the Future for Hapes and for the entire galaxy."

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