Sports Celebrity Arrested for Reckless Driving

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 13. April 2003 - 20:05:40hrs Author HNN News Reporter Comments: 0

Famous speeder-bike racer Rhall Rejak was taken into police custody late last night after a short high-speed chase through crowded sky-lanes. Rejak’s personal ship, a high-performance custom model, was seen to be vastly exceeding the safe-speed limit and weaving dangerously in and out of traffic just west of the planet Vergill’s capital city. The police patrol vessel that spotted Rejak’s craft promptly gave chase. Thanks to their swift response and expert flying, he was soon pulled over without incident.

Rejak is known throughout the Cluster as a top contender in lightning fast speeder-bike races, but has been semi-retired for the past year. His fans, though disappointed by the blow to his image, are also disappointed that he apparently failed to separate his actions on the racetrack from those in public sky-lanes. As police officer Joel Shoener stated to the press earlier this morning, “Yeah, of course I used to watch his races. So what. I don’t care who you are—flying recklessly like that puts other Hapan citizens as risk, and we won’t tolerate it. The judge’ll treat him just like anyone else.”

Rejak is scheduled to appear in court by the end of next week, and he has already publicly apologized for his reckless and irresponsible behavior. Even so, he is expected to be convicted of “exceeding safe speed” and “reckless endangerment,” offenses that usually carry a fairly stiff fine and several hours of community service. His lawyers were unavailable for comment.

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