Happy Holidays & State of Play 2019
Category: Community Broadcasted on 16.Dec.2019 - 19:01hrs Author Zayth Kadrim Comments: 0
Hello hello!
Republica may have fallen, and the admins might be expressing their irritation at the Empire and Seele for it all, but none of that dampens - or is that relevant to - the joys of the glogg season.
So, another year, another one of these posts. A shout out to all the new faces we have with us today, to all the busy bees who keep our community alive and kicking, and to all the old time lurkers out there. As you can tell, this definitely is not an In Character post, but that doesn’t prevent me from telling you that I’ve been quite pleased with the year for Hapes.
For one, the admissions and academy graduation statistics are looking better than at any point during my time at the helm, if not in fact since the Combine’s boom years. My appreciation goes out to our wonderful admissions crew for their efforts. Sure, externalities do play a part in the recruitment rates and all that, but it’d be folly to assume that at the heart of any and every success or achievement we attain wouldn’t be human effort and presence of mind.
To be sure, next year I intend to see us able to keep turning these gains to bringing more great people into the core of Hapes where the magic happens. Without that continued rejuvenation this group and community would soon cease to exist. And yes, that means that I don’t mind people pulling my sleeve and asking for new exciting ways to reduce their available free time, or just coming up with new ideas on what we can do, especially if you’d like to manage one-time events for the community. And the same goes for our entire leadership! If you at times wonder why we’re leaving decent looking ideas on the table, it’s because as a faction and a group, we’re a bit picky with what we see as impactful and sustainable enough to be ran with the years ahead in mind.
On the material side, Hapes’ infrastructure efforts continue to impress too, and thanks to the industriousness of our partners out there, we are still seeing fantastic growth for our economic output, albeit that and our other investments into the future continue to ensure that our reserves are not going to be on the upswing anytime soon.
RHAF’s revisions, while incomplete, were and are an important step in delivering the best possible experience we can to our members, whilst preparing ourselves for the challenges that the Combine will be providing us (fingers crossed) in the coming year. The guys up the chain do what they can do to make up for the fact that, in case you’re unaware, the game doesn’t actually have faction-on-faction turbolaser action turned on, and that’s honestly still more than just a bummer for everyone involved.
Without wanting to speak of things in the pipeline much in this setting, I’d like to unreservedly thank our members pouring their time onto coding and graphics, as well as community improvements, and I hope you are aware of just how meaningful those things always turn out to be for us in the long run, and how much I’m looking forward to being able to announce their arrival.
Oh, and we did launch our new site this year, a job very well done.
Which reminds me, the traditional holiday season activities are coming again, but I’ll leave the details for the board post.
But to conclude, thank you everyone for making this year as pleasant and successful as it has been for Hapes and our community, and it definitely has raised my expectations for what we can achieve in 2020!
Take care now, enjoy the holidays, and be seeing you!
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