MotI Awards Ceremony

Category: Members Broadcasted on 07.Sep.2015 - 21:30hrs Author Xesh Randell Comments: 0

An unexpected departure of several Ministry of the Interior officials has turned a scheduled awards ceremony into an impromptu emergency planning session in the Office of Hapan Recruitment.

Fel’da of the Interior took stock of the situation, acknowledging the good work of both current OHR personnel as well as those who have departed, and after a short brainstorming round went ahead with presentation of the recruitment plates to select Hapanii including, but not limited to Fel`da Regalix Cyrus, Pelin`a Jessica James, Jabethe Alories Tanus, and Rennith Sheila Talis.

When HNN reached out to Minister Randell for a comment on what may have motivated former Director of the OHR Brian MacBoruma to depart, he declined to speculate, mentioning only the promising work Mr. MacBoruma did for the Ministry.

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