Hapan Shield Project Awards Ceremony

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 19.Apr.2015 - 13:39hrs Author Alarendor Cyrus Comments: 0

The familiar introductory sequence of the Hapan News Network flashes across the screen. As the sequence comes to an end, Anacia Chalcedon appears on screen. She smiles warmly before she begins to speak.

“Good evening Hapes,

Tonight we have a very special treat for you. A cause for pride and acknowledgement of those men and women of the government and military. Tonight, Fel`da Regalix Alarendor Cyrus presents the various and numerous medals and awards to those whom participated in the recent conclusion of the Hapan Shield Project.”

Anacia Chalcedon nods to something in the background and smiles.

"The awards ceremony is about to begin and we bring you to the hall of the Pinnacle Star, the headquarters of the Ministry of Industry."

The screen flickers and the image of the newsroom is replaced by an enormous hall buzzing with movement and activity from members from the military, government and delegates from the around the Cluster. On center stage stands a lone podium with a table covered in various medals, chest ribbons and letter scrolls. To the right, seats for members of the Royal Council and their respected Advisers.

The lights within the hall slowly dim, enlightening the front stage where members of the Royal Council and Advisors proceed to take their seats. Fel`da Regalix Alarendor Cyrus steps up to the podium and smiles to members of the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you all to this wondrous occasion to celebrate and acknowledge those whom have served Hapes in creating a better and safe place to live. Tonight, these individuals are to be acknowledged and given recognitions for their effort and hard work during the Hapan Shield Project . Please refrain from applauding till all awards are presented. Let us begin with members from the Royal Hapan Armed Forces. I would to call onto the stage: Colonel Heyallo Stylez, First Lieutenant X Halk, Lieutanant Gabriel Vos, Lieutanant Vash Reckless, Lieutenant Commander Tyberias BlackIron."

The hall lights shine on the men as they walk on stage in single file. As they all line up in a row on stage, Rai`ix Chume Zayth Kadrim relinquishes his chair and positions himself left of the awards table. A strikingly beautiful female Hapan attendant strides towards the awards table to hand the first award to the Rai`ix Chume to present.

"For participation of the Hapan Shield Project in activation, I present the Hapan Shield Project ribbon and the Letter of Industrial Achievement to all individuals on stage.

For the contribution of both activating and constructing infrastructure, I present the Bronze Medal of Construction to Colonel Heyallo Stylez, Lieutanant Gabriel Vos, Lieutenant Commander Tyberias BlackIron.

"But for further and greater efforts in the Project, I award the Silver Medal of Construction to Vash Reckless and X Halk.

After the Rai`ix Chume completes handing and pinning the awards on the men, the crowd erupts in thunderous clapping and applauding. The men of the Royal Hapan Armed Forces exit on stage and return to their seats.

"I would now like to call upon the members of Government and Citizens to come up on stage. Kriston Tsin, Evan Crawford, Kal Djin, Zhane Treeborn, Tony Lake, Har Tay, Tarix Tal Locke, Natalis Oro, Kell Archis, Nessa Jenarian, Janson Thorn, Fer Ka, Malachi Reid, Griffith Whitehawk, Hasri Starfyre, Keyra Alcon, Kael Trite, Lilith Delcroix, Diran`da Alex Tylger, Tarix Chume Gane Lant and Fel`da Xesh Randell."

The hall lights shine on the men and women as they walk on stage and take their places

"For participation of the Hapan Shield Project in activation, I present the Hapan Shield Project ribbon and the Letter of Industrial Achievement to all individuals on stage.

For the contribution of both activating and constructing infrastructure, I present the Bronze Medal of Construction to Tony Lake, Natalis Oro, Nessa Jenarian, Janson Thorn, Fer Ka, Malachi Reid, Griffith Whitehawk, Hasri Starfyre, Keyra Alcon, Kael Trite, Lilith Delcroix.

The Silver Medal of Construction to Kal Djin and Fel`da Xesh Randell

And the Gold Medal of Construction to Tarix Tal Locke, Kriston Tsin, Har Tay, Zhane Treeborn, Diran`da Alex Tylger and Tarix Chume Gane Lant.

And lastly, for displaying their dedication, their ability of leadership and capacity to command, I present the gold medal of command to both former Fel'das of Industry, Har Tay and Tarix Tal Locke."

The Rai'ix Chume continues to pin the medals and shake the hands of the members in line. The crowd follows with applause once the formality is completed.

"My congratulations to all receiving awards and thank you for your hard work and dedication to make Hapes a safer place for its Citizens. May you continue to serve the Consortium with pride and distinction! Please give another round of applause for the recipients."

Fel'da Regalix Cyrus initiates the clapping and is once again followed by the thunderous applause throughout the ceremonial hall.

The screen fades back to the HNN screen with Anacia Chalcedon smile.

"Congratulations again to the men and women participating in the Hapan Shield Project. We are proud to have you serving the Consortium. Well that's it for tonight's presentation, I hope to see you join us again on the Hapan News Network, the prime news network of the Hapes Consortium. We welcome your thoughts and comments in the Holonet thread indicated below. Good night!"

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