HNN - Reunification Anniversary

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 18.Jun.2013 - 03:05hrs Author Alex Tylger Comments: 0

The introduction of the Hapan News Network begins with shots of the Hapes Cluster`s most prominent worlds and the standard uplifting melody. As the sequence comes to a finish, Anacia Chalcedon appears in front of the Castle of Per`Agthra on Hapes Prime bathed in the warm light of the summer sun.

"Good day, Hapes!

Today the worlds of the Cluster began celebrations honouring the 40th anniversary of the Hapes Consortium's reunification, which happened in June of 4000. Following the Gallinore Accords in 3999, which brought an end to hostilities, the coronation of Andrew Starfyre the Elder as King marked the official unification of all the previously warring factions under one banner.

At the time of the reunification King Andrew I was 38 years old, and - in addition to being the first male ruler of Hapes - also became the first universally recognized monarch of the Consortium since the passing of Queen Mother Pal'durath VII on February 23. 3946.

This year also marks that four millennia and four decades have passed since Enilithia Nele`serin became Queen of Hapes and the first ruler of the Hapes Consortium, which at the time consisted of just a handful of worlds and star systems.

On Hapes Prime today the celebrations began with a broadcast from the Fountain Palace Hall of Masters, where Lord Regent Gane Tarix Lant gave a brief speech announcing start of the festivities."

The image of Chalcedon fades away, revealing the Lord Regent in court uniform standing before a window overlooking the vast gardens of the Royal Hapan Palace.

"On behalf of His Majesty, the Royal Family and all the representatives of Lorell Hall, I wish to extend my congratulations to the Hapes Consortium as a whole.

The Gallinore peace conference of 3999 finally brought an official end to the hostilities of the Hapan Civil War, and paved the way for the new golden age under the reign of King Andrew. Let us cherish and remember these forty years of peace, and hope that this tranquility will never be broken.

In our daily lives, we seldom take the opportunity to reflect upon our history and our heritage. We are the beneficiaries of the hard work of those who came before us. Let us continue to work together so that the next generation can say the same about us. Now is a time to honour ourselves and our ancestors, a time of reflection, a time of celebration, and yet another stepping stone towards an even greater future.

Let the festivities begin. Long live the Hapes Consortium!"

The image cuts back to Chalcedon in the studio who continues to narrate as the background shifts, showing images from across the Hapes Cluster.

"On most of the Consortium's settled planets, the marking of the anniversary took place in the form of public holidays combined with free food and drink, parades, magnificent fireworks displays, speeches from government officials, and public celebrations in the streets. House Starfyre's homeworld Charubah also honoured the late monarch with the unveiling of a golden statue of King Andrew in the capital city of Phoenixia. Gallinore, on the other hand, paid tribute to its part in bringing about the peace treaty between the Phoenix and Draconian forces which was arbitrated by House Lant.

While inhabited by approximately one million people, the capital city on Hapes Prime drew several million spectators from all across the planet and other star systems, some trekking from worlds like Lorell and Terephon. Crowds took the opportunity to visit the capital city as the Fountain Palace gardens were opened for the public under the watchful gaze of the Chume`doro. In the east tower complex of the estate, the elaborate sarcophagi of King Andrew, Queen Mothers Pal`durath VII and Nele`serin I were the centerpieces for the day, having been moved from the burial vaults and mausoleums underneath the palace to allow ordinary citizens to pay their respects. The sarcophagi of prominent civil war leaders such as Princesses Da`tan, Da`tanah, Ta`lan, and Inaq, as well as Phoenix Movement hero Derrik Florda, were also available for public viewing for the first time.

Danara Bajtetix, official spokeswoman for the Fountain Palace, confirmed that members of the Royal Family visited the caskets and placed flowers prior to the estate being opened to the public. In attendance was the King himself, Princess Kimberly and her son Joshua, Princess Tara and her daughter Kara Tylger-Ikron, as well as the King's obscure nieces Tyra and Senona. They then returned to the Fountain Palace, watching the crowd and celebrations from the northern balcony.

Many of the museums of Chume`Dan had special exhibits that will continue to run for weeks, centered around the Hapan Civil War and the reign of King Andrew I. Crowds were treated to champagne and gold wine, as well as various delicacies that were served by an army of staff and servants brought in for the occasion. Avoiding the packed and crowded streets, many onlookers took to the hilly grassland outskirts of the city where barbeques and picnics permitted them to observe the celebrations from a peaceful distance.

The festivities are scheduled to last for several weeks with many public events planned. The Hapan News Network will bring you continuous coverage in the time ahead. Please stay tuned!"

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