HNN - Military operation ends with peace treaty!

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 06. September 2010 - 18:51:43hrs Author HNN News Reporter Comments: 0

The cheerful theme of the Hapan News Network is heard, accompanied by familiar images of the Hapes Consortium's majestic regional capital planets. As the introduction comes to an end, Anacia Chalcedon appears on screen and smiles before addressing the audience.

"Good evening, Hapes. This is HNN with the latest!

Officials at the Palace of Defense in Chume'Dan met with the press today, addressing rumors that the Royal Hapan Armed Forces had recently participated in yet another major operation outside the Hapes Cluster. The information was confirmed as correct, and the operation - nicknamed 'Strongarm' - was a joint venture with the Trade Federation, one of the Hapes Consortium's closest allies.

The operation was aimed at establishing a firm Trade Federation presence on a planet controlled by Stars` End Mining Corporation, also known as SEMCO, which had recently been in conflict with Haor Chall Engineering over governance of several planetary bodies. Haor Chall has long been a trusted affiliate of the Trade Federation and has had numerous dealings with the Consortium, being entrusted with the production of vital armed vehicles earmarked for the Hapan ground forces. According to military officials, the Office of the Trade Federation Viceroy communicated with the Fountain Palace to muster Hapan assistance, which was quickly granted after an emergency session of the Royal Council. In addition to the mutual military assistance stipulated in the Hapan-Trade Federation treaty, the Council believed that Hapan industrial interests were threatened by aggressive territorial expansion by SEMCO.

The image shifts, showing a large assortment of craft of both Hapan and Imperial design departing the Hapes Cluster via the eastern galactic entrance corridor through the Transitory Mists at Roqoo refueling depot.

"All in all, some three hundred Hapan ships - elements the 1st Hapan Fleet, as well as the Chume'doro - departed the cluster together. They rendezvoused with Trade Federation forces, consisting of numerous Lucrehulk 3210 Battleships in deep space within the Centrality sector, before making the jump to the Hosrel system and Hosrel I, the target of the operation.

The Trade Federation military set to work in establishing new garrisons on the surface while Hapan forces were tasked with patrolling the surface of the planet and securing key locations for a future shield grid. However, the situation quickly turned sour as crews from SEMCO were already present on the planet's surface and mounted a defense. Reportedly, Hapan units engaged hostiles at numerous locations on the planet's surface and some casualties were inflicted on enemy crews across Hosrel I. While achieving dominance on the planet seemed impossible due to the unforeseen strong defense, the Chume'doro managed to intercept and capture one of Stars` End's senior managers tasked with defending the planet, gaining a major bargaining chip for the allied leadership.

Shortly thereafter, dialogue was established between the allied forces and SEMCO leadership. With peace imminent, Hapan forces withdrew from the system and the Hosrel Accords were signed by all three parties, with mutually beneficial terms involving exchange of property on numerous planets and the release of all prisoners."

The image shifts back to Chalcedon in front of the view of the Castle of Per'Agthra.

"When inquired about the outcome of the operation, the Fountain Palace praised SEMCO's willingness to co-operate and find a solution to the 'diplomatic predicament'. It was also stated that the Crown hopes these types of situations can be avoided in the future and that the Ministry of External Affairs will be maintaining dialogue with SEMCO leadership to ensure that peace is maintained. The King also released a brief statement where he expressed his pride over the exemplary performance and vigilance of the armed forces in the operation, which greatly contributed to the victorious outcome."

The scene on the screen changes to the interior of a conference room onboard the HRS Pride where Contra Admiral LeMarre is seen awarding several officers who participated in the Strongarm operation while Chalcedon continues her narration.

"Lionola Ayun, who commanded the 1st Fleet during the operation, was promoted to Commodore with consent from the Crown, becoming the first female member of the admiralty in the modern era. Since the conclusion of the operation, Ayun has transferred to the Hapan government and now serves in the capacity of Fel'da of External Affairs.

The commander of the Chume'doro, Princess Tara, was awarded the Silver Cross of Combat in a private ceremony at the Fountain Palace for the successful interception of enemy forces as well as the capture of a senior enemy official.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Commander Marvath Xan'thar and Petty Officer Maxi Tuir were both awarded the Bronze Cross of Combat for successful engagement of enemy forces."

The image shifts back to the image of Chalcedon in the HNN studio.

"The peace at Hosrel marks the conclusion of the third major successful operation with Hapan military participation outside the Hapes Cluster in six months. While the Fountain Palace has stated that it wishes to adhere to conservative doctrine and avoid intervention in foreign space, the Crown insists that the Consortium cannot falter or hesitate when allies are in need or Hapan interests are being threatened.

When we come back, an in depth analysis of the mindset of the Hapan regime during final era of the Age of Queen Mothers, and how it may apply even today with a member of House Pal'durath on the throne once again."

The screen fades to black before an intermission of commercial advertisement begins.

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