Expanded Routes
Category: HNN Broadcasted on 29. November 2002 - 13:47:27hrs Author HNN News Reporter Comments: 0
As new arrivals continue to flock to the thriving trade planet of Dathomir and its cities continue to grow, municipal programs are struggling to keep pace. The rising population requires a rising level of public transportation, and the Dathomir Municipal Transportation Services (DMTS) are doing their best to meet that need. A recent overhaul and expansion of the city’s public transportation network is merely the latest in the constant series of government projects dedicated to meeting the ongoing needs of the people of Dathomir.
No sooner had complaints of the gradual overcrowding and limited routes of the cities’ hovertrains begun to surface than DMTS swung into action, beginning the complicated process of designing and funding the project that has now become a reality. They express their gratitude to all those who helped aid them in this effort. “We really couldn’t have done it without the support of the community and the local government,” said DMTS official Harvid Sultok, “It really was a team effort.” Among the areas affected by the program include expanded routes into the suburbs of Farenth and the area around Avalon.
But more routes and more hovertrains is not all that this project was about. According to Sultok, “The old public transportation system was just getting overloaded and overworked. People were starting to worry about the service and the delays. So we had to do something—this was about the people, and about keeping to the high standards under which DMTS was founded. We’re just glad it worked out.”
A complete listing of new routes and schedules can be found by contacting your local DMTS station.
- Jaeld Alteir
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