Explosive Parade

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 27. November 2002 - 15:38:15hrs Author HNN News Reporter Comments: 0

The city of Avalon was rocked by loud explosions today. The incident occured near the city centre where hundreds of citizens were gathered to attend the Greatness Hapes Parade a parade celebrating over a millennia of Hapan success. According to witnesses, the Royal Navy float was the source of the explosions. The designer of the float, Luidoan Jalid has this to say:
"The float had a cargo of fireworks on board, enough to last the entire parade. They were supposed to be fired periodically. I don't know what happened; I guess a spark must have come from somewhere and ignited one."
The driver of the float managed to get away in time although he suffered burns to his body. Nearby revellers were treated for temporary loss of hearing.
Although the parade had to be stopped for over an hour, it soon restarted, the incident overshadowed by the parade. The Hapan Fetes and Parades Committee will investigate.

- Liat Shiel

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