A Hapan Ceremony...

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 04. December 2009 - 15:23:29hrs Author HNN News Reporter Comments: 0

The auditorium was bustling as people found their way to their seats. The entirety of the Royal Hapan Support Corps and the Olanji Corporation were seated near the front, with the rest of the Consortium’s military and government workers filing in behind them. The ceremony was being broadcast live through the entire Cluster.

Anacia Chalcedon was sitting in a box seat beside the Lord Regent Locke Firecam and his entire entourage. Her evening gown was sparkling black and her eyes darted to the empty seat beside the Lord Regent.

The cameras were rolling as Anacia asked her first question of the ceremony, “Lord Firecam, is it true that your wife, Fel`da Alley Trepe, has organized this ceremony?”

The Lord Regent smiled and nodded, “Yes, Alley has been the primary organizer behind tonight, but I don’t want to ruin anything. I’m under strict orders to not ruin any of the surprise of the night.”

* * *

The cameras cut to the stage as the side-curtain opened, revealing the Fel`da Alley Trepe walking across in a long, maroon evening gown. She moved behind the podium and offered a smile to the audience.

“Welcome, members of the Royal Hapan Support Corps, the Olanji Corporation, and members of the Consortium in general! I have a fine agenda for the night, so let’s get right on to it.

I am pleased to announce the Olanji Corporation, rejuvenated by Lord Dortan Amethius a few years ago, is still going strong under the leadership of Vice Marshal Hun Leonard of the Royal Hapan Support Corps. Without his great leadership, we would not have the fine ships coming off the production lines to defend our great Cluster.

It was a great honor to serve with Vice Marshal Leonard when I was President of Olanji. As we worked together, I grew to know a man who is as kind as he is hardworking. Vice Marshal Leonard, please come to the stage.”

The cameras cut to the front row as the Vice Marshal stood up, straightened his uniform, and headed to the stage. As he approached the Fel`da, he smiled and shook her hand.

“As head of the Royal League of Commerce and with the approval of the Lord Regent, Locke Firecam, I hereby award Vice Marshal Hun Leonard of the Royal Hapan Support Corps with the rank of Marshal.” She opened a box and offered it to the Vice Marshal, whose look of surprise was apparent on his face.

“Before everyone breaks out into applause, I want to note one thing. There has only been one person in the entire history of the Royal Hapan Support Corps who has ever achieved this rank before Marshal Leonard. That was Lord Dortan Amethius himself, who attained Chief Marshal before his retirement. That’s great company, Hun.” She smiled at the newly promoted Marshal, “Congratulations!” As she broke into applause, so did the auditorium. The entire auditorium was now standing, still applauding the great achievements of a man who has done a great many things.

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