Training Fleet Opening News
Category: HNN Broadcasted on 15. November 2006 - 22:48:44hrs Author HNN News Reporter Comments: 0
Your holonet Screen turned black, and after a second on the Screen appeared a medium Height Kel’dor wearing the uniform of Royal Hapan Navy and the insignia of Lieutenant Commander. A name tag appeared in the bottom of the screen saying: “ Lieutenant Commander Pioter Niebolaz, LCO of the Training Fleet”. He nodded to the camera and started his speech.
Greetings fellow Citizens, as the name tag below says my name is Pioter Niebolaz and I’m one of the LCOs of the Training Fleet in the Royal Hapan Navy.
As you probably know, there was a reconstruction of the RHN in which Training Fleet was mentioned. It’s a Fleet in which every cadet joining the RHN and any of the new officers, I mean Petty Officers and Crewman’s, will get trained in the ways of the Hapan Navy. Me and the other two LCO’s, Lieutenant Commander Jake Roke and Sub-Lieutenant Sprange Bekker, have made and written the structure which all of the Naval Command accepted. In a few days all of those qualified for the Training Fleet will get further information about Logistics and after they reach the Training Fleet they will immediately placed in on of the Classes and granted a Trainer.
If any one has further Questions please contact me or LCDR Jake Roke or SLT Sprange Bekker by ComUnit.
This is all for tonight, Thank you for your attention and Good Night.
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