Universal Pay Raise
Category: HNN Broadcasted on 21. August 2006 - 10:15:19hrs Author HNN News Reporter Comments: 0
As the introduction to the evening broadcast of the HNN ceases, newsanchor Anacia Chalcedon fades into view as the theme music dies down and she begins to speak.
In today's news, more citizens join the rush to move into new homes on Gormoth, famous Dreenawood actor Merlin Brendo turns 50, and could spice be addicted to sentients in parallel universes?
Anacia turns to a side camera and an image of Marines swimming in credits appears on the screen.
But in breaking news and our top story for today, His Majesty, King Jessy James I, approved and signed off a Command Council proposal to alter the Consortium's pay scale among all military and government employees of the state.
According to our financial analysts, among the beneficial changes in this package, most Hapans stand to earn twice as much as they previously did, or even more. They note that the ranks that benefit the least are those at the beginning and end of the pay scale, though it is only ranks such as Cadet, Clerk, Admiral and General that fail to benefit in any substantial way.
It is anticipated that the bonus wages found in many military positions, as well as the wages of Nationalised Companies, will also experience a proportional increase where Government input into wages payout is applicable.
The revised pay scales can be found at the following locations, The Royal Hapan Government Ranks and The Royal Hapan Armed Forces Ranks. These changes are due to come into effect at the beginning of next month.
Anacia turns back to the main camera.
And now onto our daily celebrity goss....
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